Custom Domain

Set up a custom domain in Notch to brand your Notch account with your own domain.

Learn how to set up, update, and remove a custom domain in Notch. Notch's custom domain feature allows you to use your domain for your Notch account, giving your business a more professional and branded presence. You can use any domain, including first-level domains ( and subdomains (, if you have permission for that domain.

Our custom domain feature is available on our Growth plan. To learn more, visit our pricing page.

How to set up a custom domain in Notch

Following these steps, you can easily set up a custom domain for your Notch account.

You need to be an admin user in Notch to set up a custom domain for Notch.

  1. Go to team settings: Log into your Notch account, click on your profile icon, and navigate to Team Settings.

  2. Choose Custom Domain: In the Team Settings menu, select the option for custom domain.

  3. Enter Your Domain: In the provided field, enter your full domain, including the subdomain you wish to use (e.g., Confirm your domain entry by clicking the "Set Domain" button.

  4. Get first CNAME Values: In the first step, Notch will provide you with two values: the CNAME Hostname and the Entry.

  5. Add the CNAME Details to your Domain Provider: Go to your domain provider's DNS management section. Enter the CNAME Hostname and Entry provided by Notch as a new CNAME record.

  6. Wait for Validation: Allow some time for these values to be validated by Notch. This process can take a few minutes to several hours, depending on your domain provider.

  7. Get Additional CNAME Record: After the initial validation, you will receive one more CNAME Record with two values from Notch.

  8. Add another CNAME Record to your Domain Provider: Enter these additional CNAME values as new CNAME entries in your domain provider's DNS management section.

  9. Final Validation: Your custom domain should now be automatically validated. Once validated, your custom domain will be live and available for use.

    Custom Domain is successfully set up

Update your custom domain

To update your custom domain, you will need first to remove the existing domain and then set up a new one. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings: Log into your Notch account, click on your profile icon, and go to Team Settings.

  2. Remove Existing Domain: In the custom domain section, press the "Remove" button to delete your current custom domain. Note that this process can take a while until it is applied.

  3. Setup New Domain: Once the existing domain is removed, follow our Setting Up Custom Domains in Notch guide to set up your new custom domain.

Remove your custom domain

If you need to remove your custom domain, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings: Log into your Notch account, click on your profile icon, and go to Team Settings.

  2. Remove Existing Domain: In the custom domain section, press the "Remove" button to delete your custom domain. This process can take a while until it is fully applied.

  3. Revert to Default URL: After the domain is removed, your spaces will revert to using the default Notch URL.

Custom Domain FAQ

Can I use any domain?

Yes, you can use any domain as long as it is supported by a domain registrar and you have access to the DNS settings.

How long does it usually take for the entries to be validated?

The validation process can take anywhere from a few minutes to up to 48 hours, depending on your domain provider and DNS settings.

What should I do if the validation fails?

Check your DNS entries for accuracy and ensure all entries are correctly added. If the problem persists, contact your domain provider or our support team.

Can I add multiple custom domains?

Currently, Notch supports only one custom domain per team. Adding multiple domains is not possible.

Are SSL/TLS certificates managed automatically?

Yes, Notch automatically handles the management and renewal of SSL/TLS certificates.

Last updated