Pricing & Billing

The following section can help if you have any questions related to pricing and billing.

Notch's Plan and Billing section allows you to manage your subscription, change plans, view invoice history, and handle billing details.

Accessing your Billing page

  1. Click your account logo in the top left of Notch.

  2. Select Team Settings from the menu, then select the Plan & Billing section.

Only admin users can access the Plan & Billing section & can change payment details and plans.

Change Plan

You can change your plan at any time. Notch offers three plans: Free, Starter, and Growth. Both the Starter and Growth plans come with the option to pay monthly or yearly.

  1. Go to Team Settings and select the "Plan & Billing" tab.

  2. Choose whether you want a monthly or yearly subscription.

  3. Select your desired plan from available options (Free, Starter, Growth).

  4. Click the relevant button to downgrade, upgrade, or select the current plan.

  5. Depending on your choice, you will get forwarded to Stripe Checkout to confirm your payment details and plan.

Invoice History & Download Invoices

To view your invoice history and download invoices, follow these steps:

  1. Click the "Manage subscription" button in the Plan & Billing section.

  2. You will be redirected to the Stripe customer portal.

  3. In the Stripe portal, you can view and download your invoice history.

Cancel Subscription

If you need to cancel your subscription, follow these steps:

  1. Click the "Manage subscription" button in the Plan & Billing section.

  2. You will be redirected to the Stripe customer portal.

  3. In the Stripe portal, you can proceed to cancel your subscription.


May I go back to monthly from annual?

Yes, but you'll lose the annual discount - just ping for help with plan changes!

May I get a discount?

We offer discounts for Students, Startups, Educational purposes, and NGOs. Feel free to contact for more information.

How may I update my billing info on file?

You can update your billing address and VAT info in your customer portal. To access your customer portal, click the "Manage subscription" button in the Plan & Billing section.

Can I see past invoices?

Yes, to view your invoice history and download invoices, click the "Manage subscription" button in the Plan & Billing section to get forwarded to your customer portal.

Last updated