Team Management

Manage team members in Notch

In Notch, team members are crucial in collaborating and managing spaces. Team members can have either an Admin or Member role, each with distinct permissions and capabilities. Admins oversee account and team settings, while Members focus on creating and managing spaces and lists.

In the Team Members section, you can view all current team members, assign roles (Admin or Member), and invite new team members. Admins can update account details, while Members can create and manage spaces and lists and invite new team members.

Accessing Team Member Settings

  1. Click on your profile icon at the top left in the navigation bar.

  2. From the dropdown menu, select "Team Settings".

  3. In the Team Settings, select "Team Members" to view and manage your team.

Only admin user can access team settings

Roles and Permissions

Admin Role

Admins have full access to team settings and can update account details. Their permissions include:

Member Role

Members have more focused capabilities centered around creating and managing spaces. Their responsibilities include:

Inviting New Team Members

Both Admins and Members can invite new team members.

You can begin the invitation process from one of the following locations:

  • Navigation Bar: Click on "Invite Team Member" in the bottom left corner.

  • Profile Icon: Click on your profile icon at the top left in the navigation bar and select "Invite Team Member" from the dropdown menu.

  • Team Settings (Admin Only): Admin users can also invite new team members from the "Team Members" section within "Team Settings".

Inviting new team members:

  1. Once you've accessed the invitation screen, provide the email address of the new member you want to invite.

  2. Click the "Send Invitation" button to invite the new team member.

  3. Your new team member will receive an invitation to your team account.

Last updated